The Capital Stack
It's no secret that investing in real estate is an incredible way to build life-changing, long-term wealth. You might've heard the statistic that nearly 90% of all millionaires owe a portion of their wealth to buying, selling, or holding real property. But the question is how? How do you transition from simply being interested in real estate, to owning real property as an investment? Dive into the world of real estate group investments every week with commercial real estate investor Brandon Jenkins, and learn more about how syndicators structure the capital stack to acquire deals. If you want to understand how to achieve risk-adjusted, asymmetric returns through commercial real estate investments, don't miss an episode!
The Capital Stack
090. Monday Motivation—3 Reasons to Fill Your Calendar
Brandon Jenkins
Season 1
Episode 90
Connect with the host:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brandon-e-jenkins/
Website: https://www.birchprosper.com/
Your calendar reflects your priorities.
Took me a while to realize how important it is put everything in your calendar.
In this episode, I share 3 ways your calendar can help you go to the next level in your life & business:
- It helps you focus strategically on your goals
- It shows you which tasks to change/eliminate to maximize your productivity
- It reveals areas of waste, which means you aren't guarding your time.
Tune in now!